ISSN 2415-1297 (Online)   ISSN 2415-1300 (Print)
Volume : 30 Issue : 1 Year : 2023

Instructions to Authors

Untitled Document

Medical Journal of Islamic World Academy of Sciences

  1. Articles in all medical sciences of original research.
  2. Editorial articles.
  3. Preliminary or short communications of ongoing research, not exceeding two type-written double spaced pages and observing the rules for original research articles.
  4. Review articles on special topics by those who have gained significant first hand experience on the subject.
  5. Original case reports are accepted only if studied sufficiently by modern, up to date methods.
  6. Theoretical articles in medical sciences.
  7. Articles proposing new theories.
  8. Science policy making articles concerning research, technology or medical education.
  9. Articles related to medical problems of developing countries and their analytical evaluation.
  10. Please choose your key words from Turkiye Science Terms (Turkiye Bilim Terimleri (for Turkish authors).
  11. Letters to the editor.

Instructons To Authors

  1. Medical Journal of Islamic World Academy of Sciences (MJIAS) will publish articles written in English.
  2. Papers submitted to Medical Journal of Islamic World Academy of Sciences are accepted, only on the understanding that they are subject to editorial evaluation, possibly revision and that they will not be or have not been published in whole or in part in any other periodical.
  3. Editorial evaluation will depend on expert opinion of at least two consultants.
  4. Articles should be as brief as full documentation allows. They may not exceed 12 type-written pages or 8000 words.
  5. The manuscript of full paper or short communication should be arranged in the following order: full title (not to exceed 85 characters including spaces), name(s) of author(s), names and addresses of the institute where the work was done, abstract, index (key) words, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgments, references, tables, and figures. All pages should be numbered consecutively.
  6. Running (or short) title not more than 50 characters for page headings, should be added to the title page.
  7. The first name of the author is written out followed by the first letter of the middle name. Finally the last name of the author is spelled out.
  8. One of the authors’ name and his/her address should be written for correspondence.
  9. Authors should indicate the discipline under which their paper should be printed: pharmacology, cardiology, urology, etc.
  10. Abstract: An abstract of the whole text not exceeding 250 words should be typed on a separate page. It should be understandable without the full length paper, and summarizes the entire communication including the objective, the methods, the results and the conclusions. A list of 1 to 5 index (key) words or short phrases suitable for indexing should be typed at the bottom of the abstract page accompanying the manuscript. These terms will be printed with the paper at the end of the abstract. If possible key words should be selected from Index Medicus or Excerpta Medica.
  11. Introduction: Should define the investigation reported and specifically state its objective. It should be sufficiently long to explain the motivation for this research topic, its scientific origins, merit, and background.
  12. Methods: Should be clear enough to enable a person skilled in the art to repeat the experiments reported. The related references should be given.
  13. Results: The numerical findings should be analyzed with sound statistical methods and the p values should be mentioned. An article presenting numerical results without statistical  evaluation will not be published.
  14. Sufficient tables and descriptive figures to make the topic understandable are encouraged. Photographs and illustrations should be sharp and professionally presentable. Otherwise they will be considered unfit for printing.
  15. The figures obtained from the experiments and used for drawing the graphs should also be made available to the editor together with the graphs.
  16. Discussion: Should explain the original observations and refer to other sources of the knowledge on which the work was established. The most important communications published earlier should be given priority in discussion. Their results should be compared with those of the manuscript and the differences as well as agreements should be discussed. Explanation of some of the disagreements should be proposed if possible. The major objectives of the work should be evaluated in the light of the new results and in comparison with the literature and previous investigations. 
  17. Conclusions should indicate the states of the original unsolved problem in the light of former investigations and the current observations.
  18. Standard nomenclature should be used throughout. Unfamiliar or new terms, arbitrary abbreviations and trade names should be defined when first used. Unnecessary abbreviations and symbols are to be avoided.
  19. Legends or illustrations and footnotes should be typed on separate sheets, double spaced. Footnotes should be consecutively numbered in superscript throughout the text, but should be used as little as possible.
  20. Drugs: Generic names should be used. Trade names may be mentioned in parentheses the first time the name of the drug appears in the text. The form of the drug used should be indicated.
  21. References used in the text should be numbered according to the order of utilization. The first author’s family name should be written first followed by the initials of the first and middle names. The second and the other contributors’ should be written as the first one. The volume, the first and last page numbers and the year of publication should follow.

Example for the articles in the journals:
Haider SG, Rolauffs D, Coslar HG, Stuhl O, Birkofer L. Effects of Organosilicon Compounds. Acta Anat 1988; 131:9-12.

Example for the references in the books:
Bourassa MG, Corbara F, Lesperance J, Campeau L. Progression of coronary disease five to seven years after aortocoronary by-pass surgery. In Coronary Heart Disease. Stutgard, Gorge Thieme, p 139, 1978.

  1. All tables, illustrations and graphs should be numbered in arabic numerals (Figures 1 and 2 etc.). The letters and signs on the photographs should be large enough and legible after reduction.

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