ISSN 2415-1297 (Online)   ISSN 2415-1300 (Print)
Volume : 31 Issue : 1 Year : 2024
Immunologic Study of Workers Engaged in Antimony Production [Med J Islamic World Acad Sci]
Med J Islamic World Acad Sci. 1996; 9(3): 75-84

Immunologic Study of Workers Engaged in Antimony Production

Kanchayim S. Omurzakova, Abdymomun B. Djumabaev
Institute of Prophylaxis and Medical Ecology Sovetskaya 34, Bishkek 720005, Kyrgyz Republic.

Immune status of 1756 persons was evaluated using immunologic level 1 and 2 tests. The extent of immunologic effects of antimony is dependent on the level of antimony exposure received by the body. At low levels of antimony exposure compensatory activation of some immune parameters is noted. The continual exposure to high antimony levels induces immune deficiency states which in their first stages are characterized by impairment of T cell immunoregulatory function. Based on the degree of immunodeficiency manifestations, subjects were divided into a primary risk and an increased risk group for immunodeficiency. 23.49% of workers were included in the primary risk group and 3.62% - in the increased risk group. The main clinical signs of immunodeficiency were infectious and allergic syndromes. Characteristics of immune parameters in workers of both risk groups show an imbalance of immune indices, low level of adaptation, evidence of sustained immune deficits and development of secondary immunodeficiency. A relationship of immune parameters to the length of service at the antimony integrated plants was found. There was a compensatory activation of immune function during the first 5 years of work. This was followed by successive stages of slight, moderate and severe degree of immunodeficiency after 5-7, 10-12 and 15 or more years of service at the plant, respectively.

Keywords: Antimony, antimony production, immunodeficiency.

Kanchayim S. Omurzakova, Abdymomun B. Djumabaev. Immunologic Study of Workers Engaged in Antimony Production. Med J Islamic World Acad Sci. 1996; 9(3): 75-84

Corresponding Author: Kanchayim S. Omurzakova, Kyrgyzstan

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