Metopic Suture Synostosis (Trigonocephaly): A Case ReportErcan Bal1, İsmail Bozkurt2, Cevat Akıncı2, Nebi Yılmaz11Department of Neurosurgery, Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Ankara, Turkiye. 2Department of Neurosurgery, Ankara Atatürk Training and Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkiye.
This study aimed to present the case of a patient with trigonocephaly who was operated at 6 months of age with bifrontal craniotomy and fronto-orbital advancement. Trigonocephaly is a premature fusion and ossification of the metopic suture. The calvarial growth restriction causes decreased intracranial volume. Thus, a surgical intervention is indicated to restore the volume of the skull along with appearance. Keywords: Craniosynostosis, fronto-orbital advancement, metopic synostosis, treatment, trigonocephaly
Ercan Bal, İsmail Bozkurt, Cevat Akıncı, Nebi Yılmaz. Metopic Suture Synostosis (Trigonocephaly): A Case Report. Med J Islamic World Acad Sci. 2016; 24(2): 69-72
Corresponding Author: Ercan Bal, Türkiye |