Kayi (Cauterizatıon): A Tribute to Unani ScholarsSadia Nikhat1, Mohd Fazıl21Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, F/o Medicine (Unani) and Consultant Regimental Therapy, Majeedia Unani Hospital, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, India. 2LRIUM, Department of AYUSH, New Delhi, India.
Kayi (cauterization), also known as wasm is part of ilj-bil-tadbr described in Unani medicine. Many Unani scholars believe kayi to be the most effective mode of treatment in certain disorders. Despite carrying some risks, the therapy was widely practiced and propagated by a number of Unani scholars, with excellent results. Kayi remains one of the largely unexplored areas in modern times. However, a few recent studies have acknowledged its efficacy in certain disorders, which necessitate further scientific studies on the subject. It is also a remarkable observation that a therapy described hundreds of years ago has proved its efficacy on the most recent parameters in modern times. The credit definitely goes to the Unani surgeons of yesteryears who had the courage to take up a difficult procedure and develop it to perfection. Keywords: Kayi, cauterization, Abul Qasim Zahrawi
Sadia Nikhat, Mohd Fazıl. Kayi (Cauterizatıon): A Tribute to Unani Scholars. Med J Islamic World Acad Sci. 2013; 21(2): 81-88
Corresponding Author: Sadia Nikhat, India |