Bilateral Knee Coverage Tissue Reconstruction with Perforator Fasciocutaenous Flap in A ChildMehmet O. YenidünyaDepartment of Plastic Reconstructive and Esthetic Surgery, School of Medicine, Uludağ University, Gorukle-Bursa-Turkey.
A 5-year-old male patient came to our hospital with injuries on both knees. He got his knees injured when he was clinging to the back of a moving van and his knees were rubbing against the ground. The wounds were sutured primarily in an emergency room. When separation started on both the sutured areas, the parents decided to come to us. After a couple of days of wound care and debridement, we operated the patient on both knees following the same procedure with 1-week interval. The bilateral perforator fasciocutaneous island flaps were elevated using descending genicular artery, and then the flaps were rotated by a 90° angle on its pedicle area. The donor area was repaired primarily and closed up partially by a split thickness skin graft. Our postoperative observation showed that the reconstruction allowed the patient to sit up and sit down comfortably. Keywords: Descending genicular artery, knee, knee reconstruction, island flap, farsciocutaneous flap
Mehmet O. Yenidünya. Bilateral Knee Coverage Tissue Reconstruction with Perforator Fasciocutaenous Flap in A Child. Med J Islamic World Acad Sci. 2014; 22(4): 161-164
Corresponding Author: Mehmet O. Yenidünya, Türkiye |