Pinus Nigra Arnold. FoliageHasan VurduFrom the Department of Biological Sciences, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Türkiye.
Under the forest foliage utilization concept, the pH, petroleum ether, and alcohol-benzene extractive contents of Pinus nigra Arnold. Foliage and the annual foliage potential of Turkish forest with the creation of new jobs by foliage collection were examined. The pH of needles was 4.5 and that of foliage branches was 5.2. The alcohol-benzene soluble extractive content of foliage was greater than that of petroleum ether. By the hand collection of foliage would create 65.000 full-time new jobs and add 521 480 tons of muka into a food chain. Keywords: Forest Foliage, muka, biomass.
Hasan Vurdu. Pinus Nigra Arnold. Foliage. Med J Islamic World Acad Sci. 1989; 2(2): 106-108
Corresponding Author: Hasan Vurdu, Türkiye |