Preliminary Results of Radiocarbon Dating of Coastal Deposits of The Pleistocene Pluvial Lake of Burdur, TurkeySema Yavuzer, Zuhal Yurtaslanı, Onur Karan, Gülseli Yıldırım, Adnan Güvener, Serdar YadımcıFrom Departments of Physiology, Biochemistry and Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, Ankara University, Ankara, Türkiye. Keywords: Superoxide dismutase (SOD), penthylentetrazol (PTZ), ceruloplasmin functions
Sema Yavuzer, Zuhal Yurtaslanı, Onur Karan, Gülseli Yıldırım, Adnan Güvener, Serdar Yadımcı. Preliminary Results of Radiocarbon Dating of Coastal Deposits of The Pleistocene Pluvial Lake of Burdur, Turkey. Med J Islamic World Acad Sci. 1989; 2(1): 41-43
Corresponding Author: Sema Yavuzer, Türkiye |