The Life Cycle of Centrocestus Unequiorchalis N. Sp. (Heterophyidae: Centrocestiinae)A. I. SaadFrom Department of Zoology, Aswan Faculty of Science, Egypt.
The life cycle of Centrocestus unequiorchalis n. sp. was described from parapleurolophocercous cercariae emerging from Melania tuberculata snails, encysted metacercaria in Oreochromys niloticus fishes and adult stage in albino rats and ducklings. Detailed description of different stages included: - Description of cercariae for the first time and the differences between it and cercariae of Haplorchis pumilio. - Description of metacercaria and adult stage. - Comparison between the present parasite and the previously described Egyptian forms Keywords: Centrocestus unequiorchalis, melania tuberculata, trematoda, albino rats.
A. I. Saad. The Life Cycle of Centrocestus Unequiorchalis N. Sp. (Heterophyidae: Centrocestiinae). Med J Islamic World Acad Sci. 1994; 7(3): 193-198
Corresponding Author: A. I. Saad, Egypt |