Optimization of Cement-Lime-Chemical Additives to Stabilize Jordanian SoilsNagih M. El-Rawi1, Mohammad M. Y. Al-Samadi21College of Eng., University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq. 2Civil Engineering Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Amman, Jordan.
The prospects of stabilizing typical Jordanian soils from three regions were investigated. Cement, lime, and alkali sodium chemical additives were used to find the optimum combination that produce the best unconfined compressive strength and C.B.R. results. It was found that clayey silt from Zeizia region requires 9% cement by weight of dry soil or 7% cement + 2% lime to be stabilized. The amount of stabilizing agent could be reduced if sodium hydroxide or carbonate of 0.5 N is added to the mixture. The silty clay from Irbid area requires 12% cement or 8% cement + 4% lime to meet the soil cement strength criterion. The sodium alkalis could reduce the total cementing agent. The marly clay from Na'ur area was found to show poor response to cement. It requires 18% sulphate resisting cement. It shows negative response to the alkali sodium chemicals used. Concerning the amount of stabilizer for each soil, the choice depends on the availability, the cost, and the economical conditions of the concerned area and time of construction. Keywords: Cement, lime, alkali sodium, unconfined compressive strength, C.B.R.
Nagih M. El-Rawi, Mohammad M. Y. Al-Samadi. Optimization of Cement-Lime-Chemical Additives to Stabilize Jordanian Soils. Med J Islamic World Acad Sci. 1995; 8(4): 167-174
Corresponding Author: Nagih M. El-Rawi, Iraq |