Ultrastructural Demonstration of Helix Pomatia Lectin-Binding Sites in Goblet Cells of Human ConjunctivaAysel Seftalıoglu, Gülgün Tezel, Tongalp Tezel, Belma AlabayFrom Department of Histology and Embryology, Medical Faculty, Hacettepe University, Sihhiye 06100, Ankara, Türkiye.
The Lectin-binding sites in goblet cells of normal human conjunctiva were investigated at the ultrastructural level by means of post-embedding staining of resin-embedded thin sections, using Helix pomatia lectin-gold complex (HPL-GC). The satisfactory labeling and good fine structure preservation were obtained by mild aldehyde fixation, Agar resin 100 embedding and post-embedding staining protocol. The Helix pomatia lectin-binding sites were intensely observed over mucus droplets of goblet cells. This finding demonstrates that N-acetyl-D-galactosamine is present in the glycoconjugates of goblet cells of human conjunctiva. Keywords: Lectin, glycoconjugate, goblet cell, conjunctiva.
Aysel Seftalıoglu, Gülgün Tezel, Tongalp Tezel, Belma Alabay. Ultrastructural Demonstration of Helix Pomatia Lectin-Binding Sites in Goblet Cells of Human Conjunctiva. Med J Islamic World Acad Sci. 1993; 6(1): 46-51
Corresponding Author: Aysel Seftalıoglu, Türkiye |