The Effects of Captopril on Pulmonary and Systemic Arterial Pressures and Lipoprotein Metabolism in High-Altitude Pulmonary HypertensionTalantbek A. Batyraliev, Zarema A. Niyazova, Gulmira Z. Kudayberdieva, Gyldyz K. Sodanbekova, Ferit Atgül, Kairgeldy S. AykimbaevFrom Department of Cardiology, Çukurova University, Balcali Hospital, Adana, Türkiye.
The purpose of investigation was to assess the effect of captopril on both systemic and pulmonary arterial pressures (PAP) and lipoprotein metabolism in patients with high-altitude pulmonary hypertension (HAPH). Seventeen patients (mean age 44 ± 6.8 years) with HAPH and mild-moderate systemic arterial hypertension were included into the study. All the patients underwent right heart catheterization with measurements of systolic PAP (PAPs), mean PAP (PAPm), diastolic PAP (PAPd). After 4 weeks placebo phase patients with PAPs>25 mm Hg, PAPm>15 mm Hg and systemic diastolic blood pressure (DBP)> 100 mmHg received captopril (50-75 mg at 8 am) for a period of 12 weeks. Following both the placebo and at the 12-week treatment periods, at 8 am and after 12 hours fasting, blood samples were obtained for analysis of total cholesterol, triglycerides, apolipoprotein A1, apolipoprotein B. Patients with preexisting hypercholesterolemia (>250 mg/dl) and/or triglyceridemia (•200 mm/dl) were excluded from the analysis. The statistical evaluation of the results were made using the Student's t tests. It was found that captopril significantly decreases pulmonary and systemic arterial hypertensions without any side effects on lipoprotein metabolism. Keywords: Captopril, pulmonary hypertension, systemic hypertension, high altitude pulmonary hypertension.
Talantbek A. Batyraliev, Zarema A. Niyazova, Gulmira Z. Kudayberdieva, Gyldyz K. Sodanbekova, Ferit Atgül, Kairgeldy S. Aykimbaev. The Effects of Captopril on Pulmonary and Systemic Arterial Pressures and Lipoprotein Metabolism in High-Altitude Pulmonary Hypertension. Med J Islamic World Acad Sci. 1994; 7(2): 111-114
Corresponding Author: Talantbek A. Batyraliev, Türkiye |