Al Khwarizmi's Contributions to The Science of Mathematics: Al Kitab Al Jabr Wa'l MuqabalahAdnan BakiFrom Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computing, Institute of Education, University of London, U.K.
Abu Abdullah Ibn Musa Al Khwarizmi (780-847), the first great mathematician of the Islamic world, was also the founder of Algebra. Many books about the philosophy of mathematics and the history of mathematics referred to his studies. Today we have the Arabic writings of Al Khwarizmi who is considered as one of the most important Islam innovators and the first medieval algebraist. This paper is an attempt to show how Al Khwarizmi's studies influenced the philosophy of mathematics and the development of the advanced algebra. Keywords: Mathematics, algebra, science history
Adnan Baki. Al Khwarizmi's Contributions to The Science of Mathematics: Al Kitab Al Jabr Wa'l Muqabalah. Med J Islamic World Acad Sci. 1992; 5(3): 225-228
Corresponding Author: Adnan Baki, United Kingdom |