Simulation of An Adsorptive Solar Refrigerator Operating in MoroccoF. Lemmini1, F. Meunier21From L.E.S. Faculte des Sciences, BP 1014, Rabat, Morocco. 2From LIMSI, CNRS, BP 30,91406, Orsay, France.
Adsorptive solar cooling units have been successfully tested in the last years. In this paper, a numerical simulation of one year operation in Rabat is presented. The main result is according to the model, every day the heat extraction is positive. The highest efficiencies are obtained in winter: this is due to the significant influence of nocturnal cooling on the Active Carbon + Methanol system. The average solar coefficient of performance (COP) is 0.114 and most of the time (75%) the daily cold production lies between 2.100 and 3.000 kJ/m2. This type of refrigerator seems to be, at the moment, one of the most attractive solution for solar cooling. Keywords: Solar refrigeration, solar science, adsorptive solar cooling
F. Lemmini, F. Meunier. Simulation of An Adsorptive Solar Refrigerator Operating in Morocco. Med J Islamic World Acad Sci. 1990; 3(4): 273-279
Corresponding Author: F. Lemmini, Morocco |