ISSN 2415-1297 (Online)   ISSN 2415-1300 (Print)
Volume : 31 Issue : 1 Year : 2024
Med J Islamic World Acad Sci: 12 (3)
Volume: 12  Issue: 3 - 1999
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1.Effects of Oral Clonidine Premedication on Pattern of Heart Rate and Blood Pressure Changes after Neostigmine-Atropine Administration
Hasan A. Soltani, Azim Honarmand
Pages 59 - 66
Injection of Neostigmine-Atropine mixture (N-A) may cause tachycardia, cardiac dysrrythmia and ischemia. This study was designed to determine effects of oral clonidine premedication on pattern and desirability of heart rate (HR) and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) changes after N-A injection.
In this double blind randomized clinical trial study, 80 adult patients without cardiovascular disorders who were scheduled for elective surgery of orthopedics, gynecology, and laparotomy were assigned to receive approximately 5 g/kg oral clonidine (clonidine group, n=40) 90 minutes before induction of general anaesthesia. At the completion of surgeries, Neostigmine-Atropine mixture was administered and HR and MAP values were measured noninvasively at 1 minute interval for 10 minutes and at the 20th minute after N-A injection. The control group was also compared of 40 patients and were delt exactly the same except clonidine administration.
In clonidine group, absolute values of HR changes after N-A injection were significantly less than that of the control group whereas absolute values of MAP changes were similar in two groups. Changes of HR and MAP after N-A injection were linear in both groups. In clonidine group, slope of HR changes 1 to 10 minutes after NA injection was less than the control group (-2.09 vs. –2.72).
It seems that preoperative clonidine preserves basal parasympathetic nervous activity at the time the study drugs are injected.

2.Detection and Characterization of A Heat Stable Bacteriocin (Lactocin Lc-09) Produced by A Clinical Isolate of Lactobacilli
Farida Khalid, Roquya Siddiqi, Naheed Mojgani
Pages 67 - 71
A new bacteriocin lactocin LC-09 produced by Lactobacillus strain LC-09, isolated from a clinical sample, was inhibitory against many species of lactobacilli and other Gram-positive bacteria including Listeria ivanovii, Streptococcus agalactii and S. peyogenes. Characterization of the bacteriocin revealed it to be extremely heat stable (4 hours at 100°C) and active at acidic pH values. This bacteriocin was inactivated by protease treatment. Curing of LC-09 with acridine orange, ethidium bromide and by elevated temperature (40°C) resulted in mutants defective in bacteriocin production.

3.Statistical Analysis of Air-Borne Bacteria Isolated from Different Sites of Karachi University
Fehmida Fasim, Nazia Jamil, Nuzhat Ahmed
Pages 73 - 77
Air-borne bacteria were isolated from different sites of Karachi University. These isolates were purified and checked against different antibiotics like ampicillin, kanamycin, tetracycline and streptomycin and against metal salts like Copper sulphate, Cadmium chloride, Cobalt chloride, Nickel sulphate and Mercury chloride. Most of these isolates were found to be highly resistant to the tested metals and antibiotics. More samples are being collected to have a proper idea of environmental status of the Karachi metropolis. These studies will provide an idea of environmental conditions and can be used for its monitoring. Statistical analysis has showed that there was no difference in the three environments. Correlation was also observed for metal and antibiotic resistance in the organisms of experimental area.

4.Case Report: Multiple Sclerosis and Sle Revisited
Ahmed I. Bhigjee, Pierre L. Bill
Pages 79 - 84
The distinction between Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and neurological Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) can sometimes be difficult especially in the early stages. The occasional patient may have both diseases. MS, SLE and other auto-immune disorders may run in the same family. We describe a young Asian woman who had clinical and serological features of both diseases and whose mother has scleroderma.

5.Iatrogenic Radiation Exposure of The Bulgarian Population
Georgi G. Vasilev, Kristina T. Ingilizova, Asen A. Dimov, Adelina I. Pavlova
Pages 85 - 86
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Secreteriat Islamic Academy of Sciences
Page 87
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