A Markov Chain Model for Rainfall Occurrence in PakistanFaqir Muhammad, Ghulam NabiFrom Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Agri. Meteorology University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
The rainfall probabilities for four locations; Faisalabad, Lahore, Islamabad and Murree in Pakistan, have been calculated by the method of Markov chains using the threshold values of 10 mm/decade. A program written in GWBASIC calculates these probabilities. The probabilities of dry spells for Faisalabad and Lahore are higher than the Islamabad and Murree for all the 36 decades of a year using the data of 45 years for Faisalabad, 39 for each Lahore and Islamabad and 44 years for Murree. Keywords: Rainfall probabilities, markov chains, Faisalabad, Lahore, Islamabad, Murree
Faqir Muhammad, Ghulam Nabi. A Markov Chain Model for Rainfall Occurrence in Pakistan. Med J Islamic World Acad Sci. 1991; 4(2): 173-178
Corresponding Author: Faqir Muhammad, Pakistan |