Yeasts and Yeast Like Fungi as Causative Agents in DiarrheaSüleyman Felek1, Zülal Ascı2, S. Sırrı Kılıç1, Mustafa Yılmaz2, Ibrahim Kökçam31From Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Firat University, Medical School, Elazig, Türkiye. 2From Department of Microbiology, Firat University, Medical School, Elazig, Türkiye. 3From Department of Dermatology, Firat University, Medical School, Elazig, Türkiye.
Diarrheic stool samples of 195 patients, suffering from diarrhea without any indication of pathogenic bacteria or/and parasites, were studied for presence of yeast and yeast like fungi in a period of one year. Fungi grown on Sabouraud media were typed, classified and species were identified using conventional methods. Distribution of 106 yeasts isolated were as follows; Candida albicans 74 (69.9%), Candida tropicallis 20 (18.9%), Geotricum candidum 3(2.8%), Candida stellatoidea 2 (1.9%), Candida parapsilosis 2 (1.9%), Candida guillermondii 2 (1.9%), Candida krusei 2 (1.9%) and Candida pseudotropicalis 1 (0.9%). In the history of the 30 out of 38 (78.9%) patients who given therapy, there were antibiotic treatment during start of diarrhea. Mean age of the patients were 13.3 years 50 percentof the patients were under 8 years. Our results show that; intestinal candidiasis must be held in mind as a cause of diarrhea due to antibiotic regimen, it's frequency was higher in childhood and Candida albicans is the most agent. Keywords: Yeast, cause of diarrhea, Diarrheic stool samples
Süleyman Felek, Zülal Ascı, S. Sırrı Kılıç, Mustafa Yılmaz, Ibrahim Kökçam. Yeasts and Yeast Like Fungi as Causative Agents in Diarrhea. Med J Islamic World Acad Sci. 1989; 2(3): 182-184
Corresponding Author: Süleyman Felek, Türkiye |