Effect of A Newly Synthesized Compound on Various Serum Lipid ParametersMohammad Arif, Z. S. Saify, Shahid Rashid, Mansoor AhmadFrom Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacology and Pharmacognory, University of Karachi, Pakistan.
A new compound, 2-methoxy phenacyl nicotinium bromide, was synthesized and its effect on serum total lipid, phospholipid and triglyceride were observed in experimentally induced hyperlipidemic rabbits. It was found that 2-methoxy phenacyl nicotinium bromide exhibit antilipemic activity. Keywords: Antilipimic, nicotinic acid derivative, experimently induced hyperlipidemia in rabbits.
Mohammad Arif, Z. S. Saify, Shahid Rashid, Mansoor Ahmad. Effect of A Newly Synthesized Compound on Various Serum Lipid Parameters. Med J Islamic World Acad Sci. 1990; 3(2): 118-123
Corresponding Author: Mohammad Arif, Pakistan |