Volume : 31 Issue : 1 Year : 2024
Med J Islamic World Acad Sci: 20 (1)Volume: 20 Issue: 1 - 2012 |
Show Abstracts | << Back | REVIEW ARTICLE |
1. | Perception of Health Promotion in Unani Medicine Azad H. Lone, Tanzeel Ahmad, Mohd Anwar, GH Sofi, Hashmat Imam Pages 1 - 5
2. | Neonatal Resuscitation Training Programme, Its Efficiency at Rural Hospital Amar M. Taksande, K.Y. Vilhekar Pages 6 - 9
3. | Antibacterial Activity of Lepidium Sativum and Allium Porrum Extracts and Juices against Some Gram Positive and Gram Negative Bacteria Hêro F.S. Akrayi, Jwan D. Tawfeeq Pages 10 - 16
4. | Prevalence of -Lactamase-Producing and Non-Producing Staphylococcus Aureus associated with Patients in Intensive Care Units Ihsan E.A. Alsaimary Pages 17 - 28
5. | A Neonate with Spontaneous Pneumomediastinum Erhan Çalışıcı, Mehmet Y. Öncel, Sadık Yurttutan, Fuat E. Canpolat, Şerife S. Oğuz Pages 29 - 30
6. | Limping Child; Septic Arthritis or Familial Mediterranian Fever? Mahmut N. Aytekin, Zülfikar Akelma, Emin Mete Pages 31 - 32