ISSN 2415-1297 (Online)   ISSN 2415-1300 (Print)
Volume : 31 Issue : 1 Year : 2024
Med J Islamic World Acad Sci: 21 (2)
Volume: 21  Issue: 2 - 2013
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1.What is new in 2013?
Şinasi Özsoylu, Özlem Bozkurt, H. Gözde Kanmaz Kutman
Pages 44 - 46
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2.Trace Mineral Status Related to Levels of Glycated Hemoglobin of Type 2 Diabetic Subjects in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Syed M. Farid, Tareq G. Abulfaraj
Pages 47 - 56
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is of major and increasing global public health importance. People with diabetes are at increased risk of premature disability and death associated with vascular, renal, retinal, and neuropathic complications. Direct association of trace elements in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes has been observed in many research studies. An alteration in the metabolism of these minerals has been demonstrated in diabetes. The aim of the present study was to investigate zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), chromium (Cr), manganese (Mn) and magnesium (Mg) levels in the serum of patients with type 2 diabetes and age-matched healthy subjects and also to assess the association between these elements and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c ). The study population consisted of 55 type 2 diabetic patients and 55 age-matched non-diabetic healthy subjects within the age range of 45–65 years. In this study, we found significantly higher Cu levels (P < 0.001), lower Zn levels (P < 0.05), and also lower Cr, Mn, Mg levels (P < 0.05) in patients with DM in comparison with healthy subjects. Statistical analysis showed a positive correlation between serum levels of Cu and Zn in the group of healthy subjects (r = 0.97, P < 0.0001). In contrast, we found a negative correlation between these metals (r = 0.59, P < 0.0001 ) in patients with DM. We also found significant higher levels of HbA1c (P < 0.001) in the DM group than in the healthy group. Positive correlations between levels of HbA1c and Cu (r = 0.71, P < 0.001) as well as Cr (r = 0.54, P < 0.0001) and negative correlations between levels of HbA1c and Zn (r = 0.65, P < 0.001) and also Mg (r =.52, P < 0.001) in the DM group were obtained. Patients with DM had altered metabolism of Zn, Cu, Cr, Mn, and Mg, and this may be related to increased values of glycated hemoglobin. We concluded that imbalance in the levels of studied metals may play an important role in the pathogenesis of DM.

3.Immunophenotyping Related to Cluster of Differentiation (CD) Markers in Patients with Atopic Dermatitis
Ihsan E. Al-Saimary, Sundis S. Bakr, Khalil E. Al-hamdi
Pages 57 - 60
Determination of concentrations of cluster of differentiation (CD) markers in patients with atopic dermatitis and comparison with healthy individuals were carried out in this study.
It was found that the mean concentrations of positive lymphocytes for AD patients reached 82.2%, 55.7%, 28.7%, and 21.9% for CD3, CD4, Cd8, and CD19, respectively, and those of healthy individuals reached 72.2, 40.3, 18.5, and 13.1 for CD3, CD4, Cd8, and CD19 respectively. We found that the mean values of CDs for AD patients were high than those of healthy individuals (65.7%, 75.9%, 94.4% and 68.5%) (P<0.05).

4.Genetic Site Determination of Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Escherichia Coli Isolated from Different Sources of Human Infection
Hêro F.S. Akrayi, Adel K. Khider
Pages 61 - 68
This study includes isolation of Escherichia coli from different sources of human infections (urine, stool, burns, wounds, and cerebrospinal fluid). In addition to these, a few samples were taken from sewage water. Eighty-three isolates of E. coli were obtained from 264 samples. According to the resistance to antibiotics, isolates were classified into 41 groups. The isolates varied in their resistance to tested antimicrobials. Isolate E48 was resistant to all antimicrobials under study, while isolate E37 was resistant only to three antimicrobials. All isolates showed resistance of 97.59% to Chm and less sensitivity to Amk (2.40%). The transformation was conducted successfully by plasmid DNA of isolate E48 and failed by plasmid isolate E38. The results cleared that the genes responsible for resistance to Amk, Chm, Cln, Dox, Kan, Lin, Pac, Tet, Tob, and Tri were located on the plasmid DNA, while the genes responsible for resistance to Cef, Cph, Cip, Gen, Gul, Nal, Nit, Pip, and Rif were located on the chromosome. It appeared from the electrophoresis run DNA samples on gel that E. coli K12JM83 strain obtained two plasmids through the transformation process.

5.New Formulations from Acacia Nilotica L. and Glycyrrhiza Glabra L. for Oral Ulcer Remedy
Dina M. Mostafa, Nagwa M. Ammar, Amira A. El-Anssary, Amany Nemat, Maha G. Omar, Sherine A. Nasry
Pages 69 - 76
This study addresses the innovation of a stable new pharmaceutical formulation comprising natural botanical extracts of Acacia nilotica L. and Glycyrrhiza glabra L., which are therapeutically effective in the treatment of oral ulcer and possess high patient acceptability.
The pastes are prepared, characterized, and subjected to physical and chemical stability studies and then evaluated for therapeutic efficacy regarding ulcer size.
The novel adhesive paste is prepared and when applied to the oral mucosa, it remains on it for a considerable period of time. The stability tests of all the samples in the analysis showed satisfactory physical and chemical stability evaluated by the Normal Stability Test. The mucoadhesive paste incorporating the active; A. nilotica L, when applied to oral ulcer, could promote the healing process, leading to a decrease in diameter of the inflammatory halo of the ulcer. However, the effect of liquorice extract on recurrent aphthous ulceration
(RAU) was found even better than that of acacia extract. A combination of the two plants presented a synergism of both, leading to better healing with favorable reduction of the diameter of inflammatory halo of the ulcer together with a prolonged action.
Therapeutically effective and stable oral pastes are dispensed with cost-effective benefits.

6.The Effect of Intravitreal Avastin on Systemic Blood Pressure in Controlled Hypertensive Patients
Mohammad Al-Droos, Walid Qubain
Pages 77 - 80
To study the effect of intravitreal avastin on systemic blood pressure in controlled hypertensive patients.
This is a retrospective study to evaluate blood pressure changes in hypertensive patients with ischemic ocular pathologies after a 0.05 ml (1.25 mg) intravitreal avastin injection. It included 40 patients with retinal vascular diseases; their blood pressure was measured before the treatment (IVA) as a baseline, and then it was measured after1 day, 1 week, 4 weeks, and then monthly for at least 3 months. All patients were given the same concentration of avastin intravitreally (0.05 ml), and their blood pressure was measured in supine position using the digital sphygmomanometer.
The elevation in blood pressure was noted in 90% of the patients from the baseline on the first day postinjection. No significant changes were observed on blood pressure in 1 week, 4 weeks, and other readings postinjection.
Treating ocular vascular diseases with intravitreal avastin is safe in controlled hypertensive patients.

7.Kayi (Cauterizatıon): A Tribute to Unani Scholars
Sadia Nikhat, Mohd Fazıl
Pages 81 - 88
Kayi (cauterization), also known as wasm is part of ilj-bil-tadbr described in Unani medicine. Many Unani scholars believe kayi to be the most effective mode of treatment in certain disorders. Despite carrying some risks, the therapy was widely practiced and propagated by a number of Unani scholars, with excellent results. Kayi remains one of the largely unexplored areas in modern times. However, a few recent studies have acknowledged its efficacy in certain disorders, which necessitate further scientific studies on the subject. It is also a remarkable observation that a therapy described hundreds of years ago has proved its efficacy on the most recent parameters in modern times. The credit definitely goes to the Unani surgeons of yesteryears who had the courage to take up a difficult procedure and develop it to perfection.

8.An Interesting Ileus Case: Morgagni Hernia
Samet Yalçın, Ömer Parlak, Ali E. Uçar, Levent Öztürk, Mehmet S. Doğan
Pages 89 - 90
Morgagni hernia is a congenital defect that occurs in adult patients without the presence of
a traumatic event. In this case a 76 years old male patient is described who admitted to emergency room with abdominal pain and obstipation. The diaghragma defect was repaired and the herniated sac was reducted in the emergent laparotomy applied.

9.Thrombocytopenia and Mucosal Bleeding
Şinasi Özsoylu
Page 91
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