Volume : 31 Issue : 1 Year : 2024
Med J Islamic World Acad Sci: 5 (2)Volume: 5 Issue: 2 - 1992 |
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1. | A Study of The Volatile Oil Content of Xanthium Pungens, Compositae N. Ammar, G. Fournier, G. Wassel, M. Shabana, M. Shabana Pages 79 - 80
The volatile oil of the herb of Xanthium pungens, Wallr. emend. Widd. Family Compositae was prepared by steam distillation. The oil was investigated by TLC as well as GLC-mass spectrometry. The results revealed the presence of 18 terpenoidal constituents, of which, limonene was the most abundant. |
2. | A New Synthesis of 5-Hydroxy-2-Isoxazolines and Their Conversion into Isoxazoles Mohamed G. Marei, Reda A. Ghonaim Pages 81 - 85
The reaction of 1,5-diarylpent-1-yne-3, 5-diones or 2,6-diaryl-4H-pyran-4-ones with hydroxylamine in ethanol led to the formation of 5-hydroxyisoxazolines as well as isoxazoles as minor products. The isoxazolines could be converted into the latter isoxazoles on prolonged heating in xylene. The structure of the intermediate 5-hydroxyisoxazolines was established from their I. R., UV. 1H-N.M.R. and mass spectral data. |
3. | Reaction Products of Thiosemicarbazide with 1, 5-Diarylpent-1-Yne-3, 5-Diones Mohamed G. Marei, Moneim El-Ghanam Pages 86 - 92
Acetylenic ß-diketones reacted with thiosemicarbazide to give either 6H or 3H, 6Hpyrazolo [1, 5-c] pyrimidinethiones depending on the nature of the substituents as well as the reaction conditions. The reaction of 2-aryl-5-phenyl-6H-pyrazolo [1, 5-c] pyrimidine-7-thiones with nitrous acid and benzenediazonium chloride gave the corresponding disulfide and phenylazo disulfide derivatives, respectively. With certain electrophiles, 3-substituted-7-thiones are formed. Moreover, oxidation with alkaline hydrogen peroxide afforded the respective pyrazolopyrimidinones. |
4. | Ultrastructure of Nerve and Muscle Fibers Following Organophosphate Poisoning H. B. Kaya, Ufuk Ö. Mete, Sait Polat, Mehmet Kaya Pages 93 - 99
This study indicates the ultrastructural changes of sural nerve and gastrocnemius muscle biopsies of a patient poisoned as a result of organophosphate (Tamaron) intake for suicide attempt. Studying the micro-morphology relative decrease of axon diameter which was a result of excessive thickening of the myelin sheaths, and spiral invagination deep into the axon was apparent especially in thick axons was observed. The regular concentric layers of the myelin sheath were destroyed. There was a consistent increase in nuclear heterochromatin, accumulation of glycogen, irregular vacuolization and membranous structures in cytoplasm of Schwann cells. Disarrangement of Sarcomer and myofibrils was apparent in severe degenerated areas. In some micrographs, intact and degenerated areas were coexistent. Extremely thickened capillary basal lamina was remarkable where there was disorganization of muscle fibers. It is concluded that the muscle degeneration in organophosphate poisoning can not be attributed solely to the axonal degeneration but also to the direct toxic effect of the compound. |
5. | Production of Citric Acid by Fungi Mustafa Yigitoğlu Pages 100 - 106
A general review on citric acid production is written which cover only submerged fermentation processes. It contains some early literature which concentrates on fundamental aspects. There are many reports on the production of citric acid in submerged culture which show the wide variation in the conditions recommended for a successful fermentation. Since it has been shown that the nature and quantity of trace metals, carbon and nitrogen source and correct environmental conditions are very important for a successful citric acid fermentation, all these factors are discussed. |
6. | Pharmacological Effects of 3-Methoxy-Phenacyl-Nicotinium Bromide and Comparison with The Effects of Aspirin on Total Serum Cholesterol in Male Rabbits Muhammed Arif, Z. S. Saify, A. B. Rehman, Mansoor Ahmed Pages 107 - 110
Most of the cardiovascular diseases and complications are related with different types of hyperlipidemic conditions. During the course of present research, an attempt has been made to observe the effect of 3-Methoxy-phenacyl-nicotinium bromide as anti-cholesterolemic agent and comparison with the effect of Aspirin. These studies show that 3-Methoxy-phenacyl-nicotinium bromide and Aspirin significantly lowers total serum cholesterol in induced hypercholesterolemic rabbits as compared to untreated (Pathological group). The findings confirm our previous studies where the effects of 2-Methoxy-phenacyl-nicotinium bromide on total lipid, phospholipid, triglyceride, total serum cholesterol and transaminases were investigated on male rabbits (1-3). |
7. | Study of Analgesic and Anti Inflammatory Activity from Plant Extracts of Lactuca Scariola and Artemisia Absinthium Fayyaz Ahmad, Rafeeq A. Khan, Shahid Rasheed Pages 111 - 114
Seeds and samples of stems from the two medicinal plants, Lactuca scariola and Artemisia absinthium respectively were extracted in absolute methanol to determine their analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity. The analgesic activity was assessed on intact mice by tail flick latency in tail immersion method. The anti-inflammatory activity was estimated volumetrically by measuring the mean increase in hind paw volume of rat with the help of plethysmometer. Acetylsalicylic acid in the dose of 300 mg/kg is used as standard drug. Both plant extracts were given in the doses of 300, 500 and 1000 mg/kg. Control group received 0.9% NaCI (saline) solution. All the doses administered orally. Results showed that Lactuca had potent analgesic activity and Artemisia had significant analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity. |
8. | Isozyme and Protein Analysis of Induced Rust Resistant Wheat Mutants A. A. M. Al- Jibouri, I. F. Ibrahim, A. A. Mahdy Pages 115 - 117
Isozymes and protein banding patterns of eighteen students of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) resistant to rust disease caused by Puccinia recondita Rob. ex Desm were investigated. The results showed that the mutants were different in the isozymes GOT, LAP, EST and ACP as well as their proteins. The differences included the number of bands, Rf value and intensity on the gel. Such results suggested a high degree of purity and genetic stability of the test mutants. |
9. | Atrophic Gastritis, Intestinal Metaplasia, Gastric Carcinoma and It’s Variants in Dispeptic Cases of Eastern Black Sea Region Yavuz Özoran, Levent Albayrak, Havvanur Turgutalp, Tülay Bakır Pages 118 - 122
Gastroscopic biopsy samples taken from standard region of 338 dyspeptic cases from Eastern Black Sea Area were evaluated. Atrophic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia (IM) as benign lesions were significantly higher over 41 years of age. The incidence of type III IM which indicates high risk group for gastric carcinomas was 24%. The incidence of expansive carcinomas was 65% in advanced ages al though diffuse carcinomas in high number (67%) in younger ages. Atrophic gastritis associated carcinoma incidence was 51%, intestinal metaplasia was 43% type III, diffuse, score III IM incidence was significantly higher in cancer associated cases. |
10. | Pathogenesis of Escherichia Coli in Previously Mycoplasma Gallisepticum Infected Layer Chicks N. Z. Bajwa, M. Siddique, M. T. Javed Pages 123 - 126
Two weeks-old seventy five layer chicks were divided into 2 groups of 60 (A) and 15 (B) birds. Chicks of group A were inoculated subcutaneously and intratracheally with Mycoplasma gallisepticum while the chicks of group B were left as uninoculated controls. At the age of 3, 4 and 5 weeks, 15 chicks each from group A were inoculated with pathogenic strain of E. coli. Variable clinical signs were recorded in different groups. In Mycoplasma infected birds, coughing, sneezing and mucoid nasal discharge were observed during initial stages and moist rales by the end of 2nd week of inoculation. In mixed infections, onset was rapid with more severe clinical manifestations. In Mycoplasma infected birds, tracheitis and cloudiness of airsacs were the main gross pathological lesions observed. In mixed infections, there were more advanced lesions, including airsacculitis, fibrinous pericarditis and perihepatitis. Airsacs were filled with caseous material in few birds. Serious involvement of the liver, heart, lungs and trachea were also noted. Histopathological studies in Mycoplasma infected birds revealed mononuclear cellular infiltration and epithelioid cells in tracheal mucosa. Mucosal glands of the trachea were also enlarged. In birds inoculated with E. coli after Mycoplasma, there was severe cellular infiltration and sloughing of tracheal mucosa. In lungs, congestion, focal areas of necrosis and emphysema were seen, almost in every case. Congestion, hemorrhages and leukocytic infiltration were recorded in sections of liver from many birds. |
11. | Levels of Plasma Atrial Natriuretic Peptide in Normal and Preeclamptic Pregnancies Gülay Logoglu, Fatma T. Özgünen, Seref Erdogan, Tuncay Özgünen, Oktay Kadayıfçı, Nılgün Tanrıverdi Pages 127 - 132
Our aims were to clarify the possible role of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) in the pathophysiology of preeclampsia, to study the relationship between ANP levels and gestational age, and to evaluate the correlation between ANP and blood pressure findings in preeclamptic pregnancies. Plasma ANP levels were measured by RIA in normotensive (n=10) and preeclamptic (n=13) pregnant women in their third trimesters. The mean (± SE) plasma ANP levels in the normal and preeclamptic pregnant women were 33.33 ± 8.75 and 44.62 ± 7.02 pg/ml, respectively, the higher level in the hypertensive group being statistically non-significant. Despite plasma volume reduction in preeclampsia, elevated plasma ANP levels suggest that ANP may be released in response to a rise in intra-atrial pressures secondary to hypertension in this state. It is also concluded that ANP, which is also a potent vasorelaxant, can induce compensatory mechanisms following the increased responsiveness of the vascular bed to angiotensin II in the preeclamptic state. What is more, higher ANP levels may also explain volume reduction characteristic of preeclampsia. Plasma ANP levels correlation with the gestational age non-significantly and negatively in the preeclamptics (r=-0.16). A nonsignificant, positive correlation existed between plasma ANP levels and mean blood pressure in the preeclamptic patients (r=0.38). |
12. | Changes in Potassium Clearance (CK+) And Plasma K+ (PK+) Levels in Normal Pregnancy Gülay Logoglu, Fatma T. Özgünen, Tuncay Özgünen, Ayse Dogan Pages 133 - 135
Potassium clearances and plasma K+ levels were evaluated during the I. trimester (n=11), II. trimester (n=17) and the III. trimester (n=27) of healthy pregnant women. The highest clearance values were determined in the III. trimester, and plasma K+ levels were slightly lower in the pregnant groups, but compared with non-pregnant values, no significant differences were determined in both of these parameters. |
13. | Effective Dose Equivalent Rate for The Respiratory Tract from Daughter Products of Radon Muhammad Tufail, Nasır Ahmad, Mahmood A. Khan, Muhammad S. Zafar, Hameed A. Khan Pages 136 - 141
Using standard models, the dose and dose equivalent received by tracheobronchial (T-B) and pulmonary (P) regions of human lung from exposure to radon daughter products have been estimated. Effective dose equivalent rates determined by OECD, ICRP and UNSCEAR have been compared and the conversion factor of (7-17) nSv h-1 per Bq m-3 recommended by ICRP has been adapted to find out dose equivalent rate for the house dwellers in the Pakistani cities of Islamabad/Rawalpindi and Lahore. In the bed rooms of these cities an estimated dose equivalent rate of 2 mSv per year was found. For mine workers the conversion factor of 10 mSv y-1 per WLM was adapted. The mine workers of Makarwal Coal Mines (Pakistan) receive 8-12 mSv y-1 which is 4 to 6 times higher than the value for houses in the cities of Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Lahore. |
14. | Diarrhea due to Rotavirus and Probability of Sewage Contamination S. A. Khan, Aqeel Ahmed, Syed M. Khalid Pages 142 - 144
Rotavirus, the second major cause of gastroenteritis in infants and children has been investigated in 166 diarrheal disease patients and 10 sewage samples obtained from different localities of Karachi. It was observed that highest incidence (40%) of rotavirus occur in infants up to one year and the incidence decrease with age. In general, the incidence of rotaviral infection is significantly high among infants and children up to 5 years of age as compared with 16.6% for adults. Evidence has been presented about the presence of rotavirus in 60% sewage samples analyzed. |
15. | Prevalence of Hepatitis C Virus Antibodies among Hemodialysis Patients Saime Paydaş, Hasan S. Z. Aksu, Yahya Saglıker, Ali Gürçay Pages 145 - 146
The frequency of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection was investigated in 53 patients on chronic hemodialysis program by means of enzyme immunoassay for serum anti-HCV antibodies. Anti-HCV antibody was positive in 13 patients (24.5%) and anti-hepatitis B core (anti-HBc) was positive in 19 patients (36%) of these series. Intravenous drug abuse (IVDA) and/or anti-HIV positivity were absent in our patients. Of these anti-HCV (+) patients 11 had been given transfusion earlier while of the 41 patients which were anti-HCV (-) 31 had a history of former transfusion. There was therefore no statistically significant correlation between transfusion and HCV positivity in our patients. There was no history of IVDA and/or homosexuality. HCV transmission must have had therefore occurred by one of the other routes of contamination. |